Tuesday, July 15, 2008

why do i get these emails?? why? why? why???

I havent told you yet because I didnt want to freak you out but the doctors have only given me a couple more weeks and I know whole heartedly that if I could have just one meager taste from those sweet sweet faucets of vitality I would know most certainly that I went out a whole being. A hi later might very well prove to be a goodbye for eternity. Please grant me this one last wish in the spirit from the days of yore and yester . . .


Benny said...

I keep forgetting how creepy the internets are, at least you are getting hit on my creepy guys, I'm just getting hit on by Nigerian Earls (they apparently killed all the princes and the widows the kings)

Benny said...

I mean "by", not "my", although if I have a cache of "creepy guys" available to do my bidding I would:
1) be slightly disturbed
2) take over the world
3) ???