Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Don't say I didn't warn you...

Only look at this site (picture gallery) if you have a stomach of steel, never want to eat again, or need a reason to kill yourself.


JayAre said...

of course I had to take that as a challange rather than a warning....
I am gonna puke now, kthnxbai.

Anonymous said...

I laughed and washed the laughter down with a bacon double cheeseburger and Big Red.

It looks like they pulled the plastic bags from delivery newspapers. Oddly enough, all of the photos had the "end products" arranged in the same way.

And why was there no TP in the bowl? I mean, with a sloppy mess like that coming out of one's ass, anything short of a bathroom wrapped in Tyvek with a full haz-mat team seems barbaric.

Oh yea, I looked closely examining in both horror and amusement.

Anonymous said...


Since I'm retarded and organize a simple sentence into something resembling English, I forgot half of the first sentence in the second paragraph.

It should be:
"... t looks like they pulled the plastic bags from delivery newspapers out of their asses filled with chewed cold cuts and used kitty litter. Maybe a few rolls of fishing line pulled out of a dog's ass wrapped around the outside with some mayonnaise left fermenting on the dashboard of your car for a month or two ."